Dallas Fort Worth Texas Family Law Attorneys
855-337-6836James S. Bell, PC has years of experience and dedication to the various aspects of family law. Based in Dallas Texas, and able to represent clients around DFW and the rest of Texas, James and his staff can represent you in a number of complex legal matters pertaining to family law.
James is also veteran matrimony (child custody, child support, and property division) attorney and veteran of high-end divorces. James has represented professional athletes, stay-at-home moms, and chief executive officers in child custody and property division matters stemming from divorce. James enjoys a working familiarity with each case. James is extremely well-trained and experienced in cases involving substance abuse and high-dollar property division cases. James is a 24/7 lawyer because clients expect that. Delivering on high client expectations—James has a good sense of timing. Any time could be the best time for a divorce. Particularly with closely held businesses, James says that valuation of a business is everything especially in a high-end divorce.
Some of these situations include:
- Divorce, including helping you choose from the various strategies for the type of divorce best suited to your situation
- High end and high net worth divorce
- Division of assets due to divorce including property division and division of liabilities including employment benefits
- Uncovering the concealment of hidden assets in high asset divorces
- Dealing with a business or professional practice during a divorce
- Separation agreements
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
- Child custody
- Child visitation rights
- Child support and child support modification (including interstate modification)
- Enforcement
- Continuation after 18th birthday
- Medical coverage and health insurance issues
- Freezing and liens on bank accounts for delinquent child support
- Auto registration renewal prevention due to non-payment of child support (example here)
- Suspension of licenses including professional licenses due to non-payment of child support
- Military duty child support modification
- Child support review process (article from Attorney General of Texas website)
- Supervised visitation
- Spousal maintenance including alimony, palimony and other spousal support including temporary spousal support during divorce
- Paternity issues such as fraud, Acknowledgement of Paternity, DNA testing and more
- Child name changes
- Return of child (parental kidnapping)
- Missing children and “Amber Alert” needs
- Termination of parental rights (voluntary and involuntary)
- Grandparents’ rights
- Gestational agreements for surrogates
- Adoption
- Wage garnishment and withholding
- Child abuse or neglect and other family violence
- Decree enforcement
- Annulment: voiding a marriage, underage marriage, and more
- Domestic violence and orders of protection
- Trial representation and litigation
- Appeals
- Marriage and divorce as well as issues pertaining to civil unions, child custody, adoption and parental rights for same-sex couples
For more on any particular area of interest to you, please click the appropriate link above. Contact James S. Bell to schedule an initial consultation about your case. You may call during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. Call the practice today to speak with a lawyer at (214) 668-9000 or send an e-mail through the contact form.